Algorithm for the Conjugacy Problem in Thompson's Group F

Here are different versions of the program I created for the conjugacy problem in Thompson's Group F. This program is the product of my senior project at Bard College. Thanks to my advisers James Belk and Robert McGrail for their supervision of this project.

The following versions correspond to the presentation in my thesis where a strand diagram for a word is created by concatenating elements in the word from right to left:

The following versions correspond to the presentation in the SYNASC 2013 paper where a strand diagram for a word is created by concatenating elements in the word from left to right. I have also included input-output type for edges to help in visualization of reduced (annular) strand diagrams as suggested by the SYNASC review committee:

Please cite the following paper if you use the software in your research:

Hossain, N.; McGrail, R.W.; Belk, J.; Matucci, F., "Deciding Conjugacy in Thompson's Group F in Linear Time," Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC), 2013 15th International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.89,96, 23-26 Sept. 2013

This project has ended, and I am not in touch with the source code anymore. I provided the source code for interested users who love to see things "behind the scenes" or who like to customize programs, but I will not be able to answer any of your questions regarding the code.

Also note that the JAR application was compiled on the Windows 7 environment. It may not run properly on Mac OS or UNIX systems. Users of these operating systems are encouraged to use the JAVA applet provided online, or modify the source code to adapt to their OS.

Nabil Hossain